A very successful and well attended Fairtrade Reception was held at Dover Town Council to celebrate the continuance of Dover and Deal as Fairtrade Towns. Rev Andy Bawtree of River Parish Church and Rebecca Turner from the Fairtrade Foundation were guest speakers. Rebecca spoke about changes taking place including new initiatives for Fairtrade producers and

Lexo më shumë

The Town Council pledged vital support for Age UK Dover to stop closure of the Saturday Service at the Riverside Centre which provides a hot meal and other support and activities. These are a lifeline to elderly people who are often on their own at weekends. The Saturday Service was at risk as numbers were

Lexo më shumë

"Dover Connector" i ri ka filluar punën për të hapur Rezervatin Natyror High Meadow për banorët vendas që nuk e përdorin atë rregullisht për momentin.. High Meadow është një zonë e madhe me tokë me shkumës shumë të bukur me cilësi të lartë që vjen pothuajse në qendër të qytetit. There are plans

Lexo më shumë

Teams from Transition Dover and the Prospect Place Community Allotment got together to host the annual Allotment Open Afternoon and share how good it can be to “grow your own” fruit and vegetables for healthy exercise and better eating. The Allotment Team are very proud of the new wildlife pond which they created this year

Lexo më shumë