Teams from Transition Dover and the Prospect Place Community Allotment got together to host the annual Allotment Open Afternoon and share how good it can be to “grow your own” fruit and vegetables for healthy exercise and better eating. The Allotment Team are very proud of the new wildlife pond which they created this year

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The 75th Anniversary Memorial Service of the Channel Dash is being supported with a grant of £1,000 from the Town Council towards the costs of the event including insurance, road closures and first aid. The Town Mayor Councillor Neil Rix and the Chairman of the Civic and Special Projects Committee Councillor John Lamoon presented the cheque

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Maison Dieu House will be open this Saturday 10am – 4pm as part of the annual Heritage Open Day weekend. Maison Dieu House was built in 1665 ως η επίσημη κατοικία του Agent κατανάλωσης αλκοολούχων ποτών, ο τοπικός υπεύθυνος για την οργάνωση της παροχής τροφίμων και ποτών στα πλοία του Βασιλικού Ναυτικού….

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