Im Stadtrat von Dover fand ein sehr erfolgreicher und gut besuchter Fairtrade-Empfang statt, um den Fortbestand von Dover und Deal als Fairtrade-Städte zu feiern. Pfarrer Andy Bawtree von der River Parish Church und Rebecca Turner von der Fairtrade Foundation waren Gastredner. Rebecca spoke about changes taking place including new initiatives for Fairtrade producers and

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The Town Council pledged vital support for Age UK Dover to stop closure of the Saturday Service at the Riverside Centre which provides a hot meal and other support and activities. These are a lifeline to elderly people who are often on their own at weekends. The Saturday Service was at risk as numbers were

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The new “Dover Connector” has started work to open up the High Meadow Nature Reserve to local people who do not use it on a regular basis at the moment. High Meadow is a huge area of really beautiful high quality chalk down-land that comes almost into the centre of the Town. There are plans

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Teams von Transition Dover und der Prospect Place Gemeinschaft Zuteilung zusammen, um den jährlichen Zuteilung Offen Nachmittag Gastgeber und gemeinsam nutzen, wie gut es sein kann, um Obst und Gemüse für gesunde Bewegung und bessere Ernährung „Ihr eigenes zu wachsen“. Die Zuteilung Team ist sehr stolz auf den neuen Tierwelt Teich, die sie in diesem Jahr erstellt…

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The 75th Anniversary Memorial Service of the Channel Dash is being supported with a grant of £1,000 from the Town Council towards the costs of the event including insurance, road closures and first aid. The Town Mayor Councillor Neil Rix and the Chairman of the Civic and Special Projects Committee Councillor John Lamoon presented the cheque

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