Mbështetje vitale për Age UK Dover

The Town Council pledged vital support for Age UK Dover to stop closure of the Saturday Service at the Riverside Centre which provides a hot meal and other support and activities. These are a lifeline to elderly people who are often on their own at weekends. The Saturday Service was at risk as numbers were less than during the week and the Town Council’s grant promise of over £6,000 has enabled Age UK to keep the service up and running while they put into place their plans to increase usage.

Kryebashkiaku, Councillor Neil Rix handed over the first part of the grant on a visit to the Riverside Centre and said:

“Everybody in Dover knows just how important the work of Age UK is for the well-being of our Town’s senior citizens. Not everyone is lucky enough to have family and friends close by so knowing that there is somewhere you can go to share a meal, have a chat and get other help you need is essential. We are doing all we can to support Age UK as a Town Council. veç, this year, Age UK’s Minibus Fund will share half the proceeds of my charitable fund raising with Meningitis Now”