Linja e Mbrëmjes Regatta-Up me mirësjellje të Këshillit të Qytetit Dover

Drejtuar nga komuniteti për komunitetin që nga ajo kohë 1826, Dover Regatta është një nga ngjarjet më të vjetra të këtij lloji në Britani. Dhe gati 200 vite më vonë, në 30 Gusht, Regatta e këtij viti doli të ishte më e mira deri më tani. The weather was perfect for a day of boating and by late afternoon it was still warm with the merest hint of a breeze. Just before 7 pm , as the sun began to go down over the White Cliffs and the gleaming Channel, scores of people strolled down the Main Promenade and marveled at the skill of the Stilt Walkers and the amazing Arkwright Cloggers while having their image immortalised forever by the gifted caricaturists. Many were thrilled to shake the hand of Jack Sparrow, fresh off the Black Pearl and lots of selfies were taken with the proud Super Heroes all along the promenade. At Granville Gardens a host of breathtaking Fire and Circus skills were displayed near the Land Zorbs and Climbing Wall while further along in front of the Marina Hotel, crowds gathered to watch the talented BMX Flatlanders and Break Dancers. The star studded musical line up on the main stage kicked off with the Adventures of Lightspeed, followed by popular local musician Ryan Sart. EK1 had the people dancing right up until the last of the fireworks heralded the end of another spectacular Dover Regatta.