Pavioni Pencester i prishur nga vandalët

Akoma perseri, vandalët u turbulluan në pavijonin Pencester, grisja dhe grisja e shtresës së gomës të shtyllave dhe spërkatja e betonit me mbishkrime. Në Maj, ka ndodhur një incident i ngjashëm, duke i çuar kostot e riparimeve këtë vit në qindra paund. Pavijoni, vend i shumë koncerteve dhe ngjarjeve të komunitetit, is maintained by Dover Town Council to provide a place for the celebration of local talent. Instead, it seems the vandals are determined to make us look like a town that doesn’t care. Show you value the town and its resources by being vocal about vandalism. If you see anything suspicious at Pencester Pavillion, or indeed, anywhere in the town, share the information by contacting Crime Stoppers or the Community Safety Unit.

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

Community Safety Partnership Officer, Këshilli i Qarkut Dover, White Cliffs Business Park, Duvër, Kent CT16 3PJ

01304 872 165

Email: community


Your calls and emails will be treated in strict confidence. Together we can keep Dover safe from vandals.