
秋天的顏色上個月的騷亂霧和輕霧消失截至11月窗簾世界灰色. 收穫已經結束在大多數情況下,但仍然有很多工作要做, 如果我們願意. The greenhouse and shed as well as pots and containers could do with a spruce up and the smoky shades of November might just inspire us to dip our brushes into a bolder paint for contrast. The painters El Greco and Rembrandt favoured grey as a backdrop for more colourful subjects and it is in this month that we may take a leaf from their books. Red or gilded pots are the natural accompaniment to Poinsettias and Holly but lend an air of festivity to any plant. 到新整理好的灑下淡淡的紅色裝飾可以照亮了整個分配. And if painting doesn’t appeal, 還有葉耙, seed catalogues to peruse and gingerbread men to bake.


2 杯糖漿

1 杯等量的黃油和豬油, 雜

1 水平湯匙姜

1 蘇打茶匙碳酸氫鈉

麵粉混合 (硬邦邦)

融化黃油; dissolve the soda in a teaspoonful of boiling water, mix in the treacle; add mixture to the melted butter and ginger; 拌入麵粉,直到麵團是那麼生硬,你不能用勺子攪拌,; 拐進一個麵粉板, 並推出一點點的時間. 用小刀或餅乾機切出你的男人和女人; 按葡萄乾的眼睛和按鈕. 烤在撒了麵粉的泛直到金.

The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of. The mite which November contributes becomes equal in value to the bounty of July.

Henry David Thoreau




但從園丁的點, 十一月可以將遇到的最糟糕的一個月: 自然是繞下來, 空氣是冷, 天空是灰色的, 但標點符號通常最終成績的一年還沒有到來 – 雪; snow that covers all in the garden and marks a mind-set for the end of a year’s activity. There is little to do outside except to wait for longer days in the new year and the joys of coming holidays.
Peter Loewer

A September to remember. An October full of splendour.