Planning & Licensing

proof-of-lifeDover Town Council acts as a consultee for planning and license applications made within the town wards. Our planning committee meets often to discuss planning and licensing agendas, and the public and press are welcome to attend.

Planning Committee

Have a Question about Planning?

The governing body for planning and licensing is Dover District Council. Any questions concerning planning should be directed to Dover District Council using the following links.

Functions of the Planning Committee

  1. To exercise on the Town Council’s behalf powers and duties within existing policies and practices under relevant legislation and statutory instruments related to Planning and Licensing, including:
    (a) Considering planning applications received from the County and District Councils and to make appropriate response in behalf of this Council
    (b) Considering Enforcement Notices and Appeals in relation to planning applications in the Dover Town area and make appropriate comment directly to the relevant authority as appropriate
    (c) Exercising on the Town Council’s behalf the powers and duties within existing policies and practices under Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
    (d) Exercising the powers and duties of the Council in relation to highways and transportation
    (e) Responding to consultations on Planning, Licensing and Transport Policy Documents
  2. To consult with the public regarding matters specifically dealt with by this Committee
  3. To be delegated such other duties by the Town Council as may from time to time be necessary

Upcoming Planning Committee Meetings

View upcoming Planning Meetings and other Council Meetings in Events.

Planning Committee Meeting Archive