A Councillor’s primary role is to represent their ward or division and the people who live in it. Councillors help to provide a bridge between the council and the community. As well as being an advocate for local residents and signposting them to the right people at the council, Councillors need to keep residents informed about the issues that affect them and their area.
Taking office is one of the most important civic duties anyone can perform. Elected members hold a unique position and have the potential to make a real difference to people’s lives.
Councillor David Sparks OBE, Chair of the LGA
Who is the Councillor for where I live?
Find the Councillors for where you live.
- Councillor Andy Calder07884 012314
- Councillor Anuj Bedianuj.bedi@btinternet.com
- Councillor Bekah Dawesdawes.bekah97@gmail.com07568 161302
- Councillor Edward Biggs (Town Mayor)council@dovertowncouncil.gov.uk
- Councillor Gordon Cowangordoncowan6@gmail.com07376 098148
- Councillor Graham R. Wanstallwanstallgraham@gmail.com07894 156411
- Councillor Janet Kemberjanet.kember1@virginmedia.com01304 210251
- Councillor John Birdjohnbird275@gmail.com01304 212279
- Councillor John Lamoonjohnlamoon@live.co.uk07970 661198
- Councillor Mrs Gilda Wanstall07443 574693
- Councillor Nick Shreadcllr.nick.shread@gmail.com07378 606862
- Councillor Nigel Collornigelcollor@btinternet.com01304 201732
- Councillor Pamela Briviopmbrivio@icloud.com07772 471905
- Councillor Paul Verrillpaulverrill@btinternet.com07786 997641
- Councillor Peter Collinscollinsbuckland@gmail.com
- Councillor Rebecca Sawbridgecllr.sawbridge@outlook.com07498 635770
- Councillor Susan Jonescouncil@dovertowncouncil.gov.uk01304 242625