Accessibility Regulations
We are aware that audit legislation requiring a physical ‘wet ink’ signature on the original Annual Return, does not allow the council to comply with the Accessibility Regulations. SAAA are aware that the two pieces of legislation are not compatible, therefore please be advised that documents on this page are scans and therefore cannot comply with Accessibility Regulations , required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations.
these can also be provided in an alternative format or on alternative media on request.
Audit and Annual Governance and Accountability Returns
The Council prepares accounts each year for the 12 months to 31 March. The format of the accounts is decided by Central Government and set out in the Annual Return. The Annual Return is audited each year by an independent external auditor.
AGAR Return 2022-23 Parts 1, 2 & 3
External Auditor’s Report and Certificate 2023-24
Annual Investment Strategy & Reserves Policy
DTC Annual Investment Strategy 2023-24
Town Council Budget
The Town Council decides the budget before the start of each financial year. From time to time the Council makes changes to the budget to respond flexibly to community needs.
Town Council Expenditure
The Town Council considers and approves all payments made at its regular meeting
Town-Council-payments-September 2024
Town Council Payments – March 23
Town Council Payments – February 23
Town Council payments – January 2023
Basic Allowances & Travel Payments
Almost all work done by Town Councillors is expected to be voluntary. The Council makes a payment called Parish Basic Allowance to Councillors to recognise the time spent on duties and for expenses such as travel within Dover. The Council considers reports from an Independent Panel set up to make recommendations on the appropriate level of Allowance in East Kent. Councillors can claim travel and subsistence for duties outside Dover Town at the same rates as apply to Dover District Councillors.
Parish Basic Allowance – Statutory Public Notice
Quadrennial Review of Town and Parish Council Member’s Allowances – February 2021
How we buy Goods and Services
Interested in doing business with the Council? We buy goods and services in an open and transparent way. Find out more about how we buy good and services.
Financial Regulations
The Town Council manages its financial administration according to its Financial Regulations. Some regulations are required by law and others represent current best practice. The Town Council reviews the Financial Regulations each year and makes necessary changes.
Financial Regulations 2023 – CURRENT
The Practitioners Guide (Governance and Accountability) March 2022
Public Rights
The Council has a legal duty to issue and make public certain statutory notices relating to financial matters during the year.
Please see above for Notice of Conclusion of Audit and Annual Governance and Accountability Return.
Transparency Code
Town Council Expenditure is shown above.
Town Council Tenders are shown on How We Buy Goods and Services.
More information about the council and its activities can be found in the following documents: