St Edmund i Abingdon Chapel - një tjetër sukses për Dover Destinacioni

The historic St Edmund of Abingdon Chapel in Priory Road Dover has entered into another phase of its long life. A grant from the Coastal Communities Fund has funded restoration of the walls, trarëve prej druri çati dhe ngrohje përmirësuar dhe ndriçimi.

Datat pak Chapel nga 1253 dhe ishte ndërtuar fillimisht si një kishëz morg për shumë pelegrinët që vdiq kalojnë nëpër Dover në rrugën e tyre të shenjtë e madhe e Shën Thomas Becket në Canterbury Cathedral. Ajo u shenjtërua dhe përkushtuar nga Bishop Richard i Chichester të mësuesit të tij St Edmund i Abingdon. Bishop Richard vdiq disa ditë më vonë në Maison Dieu - tani Dover Town Hall.

After the destruction of the monasteries by King Henry VIII the chapel was lost behind shops and houses. At one stage it was a blacksmith’s forge. Following the bombing during the second world war it was “found” again and identified and escaped destruction by the Dover Borough Council in the 1960s by the skin of its teeth. Eventually it was saved and funds raised to restore it. St Edmund i Abingdon Trusti menaxhon Chapel sot dhe shërbime të rregullta fetare mbahen atje.

The work just completed will enable the Chapel to be much more widely used by the whole community and a series of concerts and other events are planned. Mr Paul Smye-Rumsby, Chairman of the Trust, welcomed a full house of local people and supporters of the Chapel to the opening event on Thursday 19th Shtator.

The successful bid to the Coastal Communities Fund and all the work at the Chapel has been spearheaded and managed by Destination Dover – the Town Council’s Tourism Partnership with Dover Big Local and other organisations.

Këshilltari Sue Jones, Chairperson of the Community and Services Committee said

The opening has shown just what a fabulous venue the Chapel is for events for everyone to enjoy. The refurbishment will underpin and support the economic development and regeneration taking place in this part of our historic Town Centre.

The Trust are actively working to further develop the programme of activities at the Chapel – and if you are interested in using the Chapel for community events please contact the Destination Dover Manager, Diederik Smet at or call on 01304 242625.

foto ynë tregon Mr Paul Smye-Rumsby, Kryetari i Shën Edmund e Abingdon Trustit përshëndetur të pranishmit për ri-hapjen e Chapel.