وسوف نتذكرهم

ذكرى خدمة الاحد والعرض

الحرب دوفر التذكارية

الأحد 11 تشرين الثاني 2018



في 11:00 يوم الاحد 11 تشرين الثاني, 100 سنوات من التوقيع على الهدنة في 1918, more men, women and children than ever gathered at the People of Dover’s war memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in action.

موكب المعايير, veterans and other organisations marched to the War Memorial in front of Maison Dieu House where two minutes silence was observed with Civic Leaders. The wreath laying was led by the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and the Town Mayor of Dover, عضو مجلس سوزان جونز. نائب رئيس بلدية كاليه, المدينة التوأم دوفر تمثل مجتمعه. كان موضع ترحيب لوضع جمعيات اكليلا من الزهور بما في ذلك المحاربين القدماء الجميع, المنظمات المحلية وأسر من سقطوا. The last post was played by Sgt Laura Windley of the Royal Military School of Music (an interview with Sgt Windley can be found هنا).

نتوجه بالشكر إلى جميع الذين حضروا خدماتنا لشرف ونتذكر الذين سقطوا بما في ذلك فرع المنحدرات وايت من الفيلق الملكي البريطاني الذي يحدد حديقة لإحياء ذكرى وجمعها لنداء الخشخاش في جميع الظروف الجوية على مدى الأسبوعين الماضيين. We are also grateful to the Choir of St Edmund’s School, our bugler Sgt Laura Windley of the Royal Military School of Music, and Cantium Brass for leading the music and also the young people of our Cadet forces who worked as stewards during the service.

The Memorial Service was conducted by the Honorary Chaplain to the Town Mayor, Reverend Dr John Walker. All who were present were very moved by Dr Walker’s address which, with his kind permission, is reproduced here

We are here today to remember and honour

all those who have suffered and died for the sake and safety of our nation

in conflicts past and present;

but particularly those from Dover and the surrounding district.

And we are here today to pray that, in our own time,

conflict at home and overseas

will not rob us of the peace they wrought for us

at the great cost of their sacrifice,

especially on this centenary of the ending of that war

which was meant to be the War that ends all wars, but it was not so.

Those of us who have not had our courage tested in combat,

or endured the relentlessness of shells, bombs, bullets and missiles,

or suffered the privations of being Prisoners of War,

or known the tearing grief of loved ones wrenched untimely from us,

stand in awe of those we remember today.

And the history of Dover and of Dovorians reminds us

of something true to remember for this, our time.

In every conflict that has touched these British Isles

Dovorians have withstood the first assault,

stayed firm as the first line and launchpad of our defence,

weathered the relentless violence of our enemies

and offered an inspiring example to the men, women and children of our nation

of what it is to have persistence, courage, fortitude, humour and hope,

and of what can be accomplished when we choose to stand together

despite our many differences.

وهكذا, alongside the many service men and women

whom we particularly honour with such gratitude today,

giving thanks for all who died on the field of battle,

or endured injuries and trauma too grievous for us to imagine,

or suffered in prisoner of war camps,

or struggled for years with the stark memories of the horrors of war,

علينا أيضا أن نشيد بكل أولئك الذين تحملوا وعانوا هنا في الداخل,

ومع طيبة القلب أعطى قوة وعزم وشجاعة والأمل,

وأحيانا حياتهم جدا

لحماية هذه المدينة وهذه الأمة.

ونحن نصلي من اجل ان نحن, في زماننا, لن ننسى

الرجال والنساء الشباب الذين ما زالوا يموتون في الحرب,

أو الذين يعودون مع الهيئات مكسورة والعقول

تسعى لدينا تعليمات ودعم لشفائهم.

ونحن نصلي من اجل ان نحن, في زماننا,

لن ننسى مثال Dovorians من الماضي

وأننا, في دورنا, وسوف تستخدم كذلك الحريات التي قاتلوا.

أننا سوف تفهم أن العدو اليوم ليست دولة أخرى أو مجموعة من الدول,

أو أولئك الذين صوتوا بشكل مختلف منا,

أو أولئك الذين لديهم أصول عرقية مختلفة, لغة, الآفاق السياسية,

الجنسية أو الروحانية من أنفسنا;

إلا أن العدو هو التعصب, المصلحة الذاتية والخوف من "أولئك الذين لا يحبون لنا"

التي غالبا ما يصيب حاجتنا إلى الوقوف صفا واحدا في يومنا

لمحاربة شرور الجهل, كراهية, فقر, اعتلال الصحة, الانكسار واليأس.

دعنا, like the Dovorians of the past, stand together, then,

to wage war against THIS enemy.

And, as we said in our act of commitment,

let us pledge ourselves anew to the service of God and humanity:

that we will give our strength, determination, courage and hope

to work together across political, social or religious divides

for the good of this proud town of Dover

and for peace within and beyond our nation,

in grateful honour of those we remember,

gladly embracing the opportunities of the present

and in hopeful confidence for the future.



ثم سار موكب مرة أخرى من خلال المدينة إلى ساحة السوق حيث تولى عمدة التحية في سانت. كنيسة مريم.

في وقت لاحق, ل19:00, كانت مضاءة بيكون على تاون في قلعة دوفر كجزء من الاحتفال على الصعيد الوطني.


العمدة, قال عضو مجلس سو جونز

مجلس مدينة دوفر هو خادم حرب تاون التذكارية, وكان من حسن حظي أن تقف جنبا إلى جنب مع العديد من سكان المدينة, قدامى المحاربين, cadets and other councillors and officers on Sunday to join with the nation to commemorate the end of the Great War and pay our respects to those who fought for their country and never returned.

After the service we walked to the parish Church of St Mary’s and applauded the parade which featured the badges and insignia of all the armed forces. In the evening at Her Majesty the Queen’s request, the Town’s beacon was lit in the grounds of Dover Castle, a symbol of light in the darkness. As a Dovorian and as Mayor, I would like to thank all those who have done so much to honour those who fought for our freedom.


Our Picture show the People of Dover’s War Memorial immediately following the Service of Remembrance and Wreath Laying