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Воспоминание воскресенье служба и Parade

Военный мемориал Dover

Воскресенье 11 Ноября 2018



В 11-00 в воскресенье 11 Ноября, 100 лет с момента подписания перемирия в 1918, больше мужчин, женщины и дети, чем когда-либо собирался на Народе военного мемориала Dover, чтобы почтить память всех услуг мужчин и женщин, которые отдали свои жизни в действии.

Парад стандартов, veterans and other organisations marched to the War Memorial in front of Maison Dieu House where two minutes silence was observed with Civic Leaders. The wreath laying was led by the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen and the Town Mayor of Dover, Советник Сьюзан Джонс. Заместитель мэра Кале, город-побратим Dover представлял свою общину. Каждый имел права заложить Ассоциации венка в том числе ветеранских, местные организации и семьи павшего. The last post was played by Sgt Laura Windley of the Royal Military School of Music (an interview with Sgt Windley can be found Вот).

Мы благодарим всех тех, кто посещал нашу службу честь и помнить павших в том числе белые скалы отделения Королевского британского легиона, который изложен Сад Воспоминаний и собранных для апелляции Мак во всех погод за последние две недели. We are also grateful to the Choir of St Edmund’s School, our bugler Sgt Laura Windley of the Royal Military School of Music, and Cantium Brass for leading the music and also the young people of our Cadet forces who worked as stewards during the service.

The Memorial Service was conducted by the Honorary Chaplain to the Town Mayor, Reverend Dr John Walker. All who were present were very moved by Dr Walker’s address which, with his kind permission, is reproduced here

We are here today to remember and honour

all those who have suffered and died for the sake and safety of our nation

in conflicts past and present;

but particularly those from Dover and the surrounding district.

And we are here today to pray that, in our own time,

conflict at home and overseas

will not rob us of the peace they wrought for us

at the great cost of their sacrifice,

especially on this centenary of the ending of that war

which was meant to be the War that ends all wars, but it was not so.

Those of us who have not had our courage tested in combat,

or endured the relentlessness of shells, bombs, bullets and missiles,

or suffered the privations of being Prisoners of War,

or known the tearing grief of loved ones wrenched untimely from us,

stand in awe of those we remember today.

And the history of Dover and of Dovorians reminds us

of something true to remember for this, our time.

In every conflict that has touched these British Isles

Dovorians have withstood the first assault,

stayed firm as the first line and launchpad of our defence,

выветривание безжалостного насилия наших врагов

и предложил вдохновляющий пример для мужчин, женщины и дети нашего народа

о том, что она должна иметь настойчивость, мужество, сила духа, юмор и надежда,

и того, что может быть достигнуто, когда мы решили держаться вместе

несмотря на наши многочисленные различия.

И так, наряду с многими обслуживания мужчин и женщин

которых мы особенно чтим с такой благодарностью сегодня,

возблагодарил для всех, кто погиб на поле боя,

или перенесли травмы и травмы слишком тяжелы для нас представить,

or suffered in prisoner of war camps,

or struggled for years with the stark memories of the horrors of war,

we also pay tribute to all those who endured and suffered here at home,

and with good heart gave their strength and determination and courage and hope,

and sometimes their very lives

to protect this town and this nation.

And we pray that we, in our time, will not forget

the young men and women who are still dying in war,

or who return with broken bodies and minds

seeking our help and support for their healing.

And we pray that we, in our time,

will not forget the example of Dovorians of the past

and that we, in our turn, will use well the freedoms for which they fought.

That we will understand that the enemy today is not another nation or group of nations,

or those who voted differently from us,

or those who have a different ethnic origin, language, political outlook,

sexuality or spirituality than ourselves;

but that the enemy is the intolerance, self-interest and fear of ‘those not like us’

that so often plagues our need to stand together in our day

to fight the evils of ignorance, hatred, poverty, ill-health, brokenness and despair.

Let us, like the Dovorians of the past, stand together, then,

to wage war against THIS enemy.

And, as we said in our act of commitment,

let us pledge ourselves anew to the service of God and humanity:

that we will give our strength, determination, courage and hope

to work together across political, social or religious divides

for the good of this proud town of Dover

and for peace within and beyond our nation,

in grateful honour of those we remember,

gladly embracing the opportunities of the present

and in hopeful confidence for the future.



The parade then marched back through the town to the Market Square where the Mayor took the salute at St. Церковь Марии.

Later, at 7pm, the Town’s Beacon at Dover Castle was lit as part of the Nationwide Commemoration.


Мэр, Councillor Sue Jones said

Dover Town Council is the custodian of the Town’s War Memorial, and it was a privilege to stand alongside so many townsfolk, ветераны, курсанты и другие советники и офицеры в воскресенье, чтобы присоединиться к нации по случаю окончания Великой войны и оплатить свое почтение тем, кто боролся за свою страну и не вернулся.

После службы мы шли к приходской церкви Святой Марии и аплодировали парад, который показал знаки и знаки всех вооруженных сил. Вечером в ее величества просьбе королевы, маяк города был зажжен на территории замка Дувр, символ света в темноте. As a Dovorian and as Mayor, I would like to thank all those who have done so much to honour those who fought for our freedom.


Our Picture show the People of Dover’s War Memorial immediately following the Service of Remembrance and Wreath Laying