Our Queen, எலிசபெத் II, has been a constant source of support and strength throughout her reign. For many of us here in Dover, Her Majesty has been at the head of the nation for our whole lives. As a model of duty, public service and loyalty to our country, she will never be surpassed and I am sure that I am voicing the deep sadness of all Dovorians when I say how very much the Queen has meant to us and how much she will be missed.
I invite members of our community here in Dover to share their feelings of loss and sorrow and express their deep condolences by signing the official Books of Condolence for our town at the offices of the Town Council – Maison Dieu House in Biggin Street, immediately behind the People of Dover War memorial. The Books of Condolence will be open from 9am until 4.30pm, Monday through Saturday from Friday 9வது செப்டம்பர்.
I will be sending a letter expressing the great sorrow and deep condolences from the people of Dover, gateway to England to the Palace. Our Union flags are already flying at half mast and I will be joining the Deputy Constable of Dover when he makes the official proclamation in the heart of Dover on Sunday 11வது September at 1pm on behalf of the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.