
我们的女王, 伊丽莎白二世, has been a constant source of support and strength throughout her reign. For many of us here in Dover, Her Majesty has been at the head of the nation for our whole lives. As a model of duty, 公共服务和对我们国家的忠诚, 她永远不会被超越,我敢肯定,当我说女王对我们有多么重要以及她将被多么想念时,我表达了所有多沃利亚人的深切悲伤.

我邀请我们在多佛的社区成员分享他们的失落和悲伤的感受,并通过在市议会办公室签署我们镇的官方吊唁书表达他们的深切哀悼 - 比金街的 Maison Dieu House, immediately behind the People of Dover War memorial. The Books of Condolence will be open from 9am until 4.30pm, 从周五到周六 9 九月.

我将致函表达多佛人民的深切哀悼和深切哀悼, gateway to England to the Palace. Our Union flags are already flying at half mast and I will be joining the Deputy Constable of Dover when he makes the official proclamation in the heart of Dover on Sunday 11 9 月下午 1 点,代表五港港区长.