樂趣 - 神話般 – 飛度 - 在多佛海濱新的室外健身房!

在Dover中保持身材變得更加輕鬆有趣. 多佛鎮議會在多佛海濱安裝了一個全新的、最先進的戶外健身房,免費供所有人使用 24/7.

新的體育館只是在鎮議會的最新項目的長期活動,以支持衛生和當地人民的福祉, 花你的錢,你想要的方式 - 為大家常識的解決方案.

委員帕姆布里維奧, 公民和特別項目委員會主席說,

“隨著多佛鎮議會的成員, I have been pleased to see this facility open and in use. At a time when everyone is being encouraged to take more exercise the facilities at the outdoor gym in a beautiful location are very welcome”

窈窕免費的新鮮空氣! Choose the machine that suits you best from–

驟降/舉腿 (強度 / 柔軟體操)

浸酒吧 / 舉腿是健美操鍛煉是主要針對腹肌,並在較小的程度還針對腿筋, 喜屈肌, 腰背部, 肩膀和三頭肌.

LAT下拉/肩上推舉 (爽膚)

The Lat Pull/ Shoulder Press machine is primarily used to train your upper back muscles which lower your shoulders and pull your arms downwards and backwards as if you are doing a pull up. And – no competition – 您可以同時使用這台機器為好友!

交叉訓練 (有氧運動)



蹬腿 / 長凳 (爽膚)

蹬腿 / 台式機可以讓你像股四頭肌肌肉的重要發展力量, 臀大肌和發展膕繩肌和小腿.


Just remember to read the users instructions on the machines before starting to exercise and only use the machines in accordance with the instructions. If you have any medical conditions or other concerns discuss these with your doctor first.