تفریح ​​- حیرت انگیز – فٹ - ڈوور سیفرنٹ پر نیا آؤٹ ڈور جم!

ڈوور میں فٹ رکھنا بہت آسان اور مزہ آیا ہے. ڈوور ٹاؤن کونسل نے ڈوور سی فرنٹ پر ایک بالکل نیا اسٹیٹ آف دی آرٹ آؤٹ ڈور جم نصب کیا ہے جو ہر کسی کے استعمال کے لیے مفت ہے۔ 24/7.

The new gym is just the latest project in the Town Council’s long-standing campaign to support the health and wellbeing of local people, spending your money in the ways that you want – common sense solutions for everyone.

کونسلر پام Brivio, Chairperson of the Civic and Special Projects Committee said

“As a member of Dover Town Council, I have been pleased to see this facility open and in use. At a time when everyone is being encouraged to take more exercise the facilities at the outdoor gym in a beautiful location are very welcome”

تازہ ہوا میں مفت کے لئے فٹ حاصل کریں! Choose the machine that suits you best from–

Dips کی / ٹانگ بلند (طاقت / کیلستھینکس)

ڈپ بار / ٹانگ اضافہ ایک کیلستھینکس بنیادی طور ABS ھدف اور ایک کم کی ڈگری کو بھی ہیمسٹرنگ کا ہدف ہے کہ ورزش ہے, ہیلو flexors, کمر کے نچلے حصے, کندھوں اور triceps.

ھیںچو LAT نیچے / کندھے پریس (Toning)

The Lat Pull/ Shoulder Press machine is primarily used to train your upper back muscles which lower your shoulders and pull your arms downwards and backwards as if you are doing a pull up. And – no competitionyou can use this machine at the same time as a friend!

Cross Trainer (Cardio)

Cross Trainers work the upper and lower body providing a full body work out and increasing the number of calories burned.


Leg Press / Bench (Toning)

The Leg Press / Bench machine allows you to build strength in important muscles like quadriceps, gluteus maximus and develop the hamstrings and calves.

Get Going and Get Fit!

Just remember to read the users instructions on the machines before starting to exercise and only use the machines in accordance with the instructions. If you have any medical conditions or other concerns discuss these with your doctor first.