我们的女王, 伊丽莎白二世, has been a constant source of support and strength throughout her reign. For many of us here in Dover, Her Majesty has been at the head of the nation for our whole lives. As a model of duty, 公共服务和对我们国家的忠诚, she will never be surpassed and…
在伊丽莎白二世女王陛下去世后, 官方吊唁书将在多佛市议会办公室向公众提供, 美美妙之家 (在多佛战争纪念馆后面), Biggin街, 周一上午 9 点至下午 4 点 30 分,多佛尔 – 从 9 月 9 日星期五开始的星期六.
为纪念伊丽莎白二世女王陛下的铂金禧, 邀请您见证位于钟楼广场的两个灯塔的仪式照明 / 多佛码头 (公共访问) 在多佛城堡 (通过此处的实时视频供稿: HTTPS://youtu.be/fgKVlAiJXf8). 多佛镇灯塔 – 钟楼广场 / DOVER MARINA Witness the ceremonial lighting of the beacon…
多佛市议会和 Destination Dover 很高兴地宣布多佛白金禧年 – 6 月 5 日星期日在彭塞斯特花园的公园野餐, 10:00 上午 – 4:00 下午. 邀请您来野餐,与家人分享这个重要时刻 & 朋友们! 这个充满乐趣的庆祝活动将是一个很好的方式…
The 104th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 在一年一度的仪式上被纪念 23 四月. At noon, 多佛市长, 议员戈登考恩敲响了泽布吕赫钟声. The Bell was a gift of thanks from the King of Belgium in recognition…
Dover Town Council will remember the 104th Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 on Saturday 23rd April 2022. 将会有一项服务, 包括 2 分钟默哀和敬献花圈, 举行于 12 中午在多佛人民战争纪念馆, Biggin街,…
All of us in Dover and especially at the Town Council are shocked and alarmed by the redundancies at P&O Ferries this past week. The impact on both the company’s employees and our whole community cannot be overstated. The headquarters of P&O and its fleet of cross channel ferries are everyday sights in the town…
多佛市议会春季通讯现在可通过单击下面的链接获得有关我们当前活动和项目的大量信息 – 多佛市议会通讯 – 春天 2022
Dover Arts Development has led the Threading Together Project. Threading together is a cross generational arts project, using textiles and photography focusing on food cultures and good memories. The project is culminating in an exhibition featuring work produced by Dover Technical College Travel and Tourism students as well as by members of the wider…
“Regeneration is not just about buildings. In order to lift the heart of a place it must involve its people and provide opportunities, aspiration and a sense of community” – 多佛市市长, 议员戈登·考恩. And in a special Extraordinary meeting Councillors backed the Mayor to deliver on three big projects focusing on…