“Under-river” water could be the answer to better water supplies at Dover’s allotments.
Councillors voted to explore the feasibility of using water from boreholes at its allotment site at the meeting of the Community and Services Committee on 22nd June. Water accessed directly for allotment use will reduce the demand for treated mains – supplied water. Allotment tenants are already required to collect and use rainwater so that the reliance on mains water is minimal and restricted by licence. The Council is committed to finding ways to improve the way it provides services in relation to environmental sustainability. Clean water is a precious resource.
Dover Town Council directly manages 215 allotment plots over 4 sites across the town. Allotments are always popular and even more local people wanted to be out in the fresh air and growing during Covid-19.
Councillor Sue Jones, Chairperson of the Committee said
“Allotments are vital green spaces in our Town. Growing your own food and feeding your family with fresh fruit and veg is great for physical and mental well-being. We are investing in a sustainable future for our allotments that will benefit us all.”