Ajuste de custodia en Dover ha conseguido mucho más fácil y más divertido. El Ayuntamiento de Dover ha instalado un nuevo gimnasio al aire libre de última generación en el paseo marítimo de Dover, de uso gratuito para todos. 24/7.

The new gym is just the latest project in the Town Council’s long-standing campaign to support the health and wellbeing of local people, spending your money in the ways that you want – common sense solutions for everyone.

Concejala Pam Brivio, Chairperson of the Civic and Special Projects Committee said

“As a member of Dover Town Council, I have been pleased to see this facility open and in use. At a time when everyone is being encouraged to take more exercise the facilities at the outdoor gym in a beautiful location are very welcome”


Get fit for free in the fresh air! Choose the machine that suits you best from–

Dips/ Leg Raise (Strength / Calisthenics)

dip Bar / Aumento de la pierna es un ejercicio de calistenia que se dirige principalmente a los músculos abdominales y en menor medida también apunta a los tendones de la corva, flexores de la hi, espalda baja, hombros y tríceps.

Lat Pull Down / Prensa de hombros (Toning)

The Lat Pull/ Shoulder Press machine is primarily used to train your upper back muscles which lower your shoulders and pull your arms downwards and backwards as if you are doing a pull up. And – no competitionyou can use this machine at the same time as a friend!

Cross Trainer (Cardio)

Cross Trainers work the upper and lower body providing a full body work out and increasing the number of calories burned.

Leg Press / Bench (Toning)

The Leg Press / máquina de banco le permite construir fuerza en los músculos cuádriceps importantes como, glúteo mayor y el desarrollo de los isquiotibiales y gemelos.


Ponerse en marcha y ponerse en forma!

Just remember to read the users instructions on the machines before starting to exercise and only use the machines in accordance with the instructions. If you have any medical conditions or other concerns discuss these with your doctor first.