Looking for funds? The 2020/21 Directory of Grant making Trusts is available in hard copy for consultation in the Town Council offices.  The Directory covers 2000 of the largest grant-making charities in the UK and is a staple of charity bookshelves throughout the UK.  The Research Team have included where possible the policies, priorities and…

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White Cliffs Countryside Partnership was set up to help conserve and enhance the special coast and country The coast and countryside of Dover is world class for wildlife and history.  The White Cliffs are world famous and for centuries have been the gateway to and from England. The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership was established in 1989 to…

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January Greens!

YES! – It’s time to shake off those winter blues.   Is your New Year’s Resolution – To be fitter, trimmer and do more exercise? Get outside to enjoy the fresh air? Eat better, healthier and cheaper? Live in a more environmentally and sustainable way? Tick all the boxes at once by renting a Town…

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