Dover – Calais Festival of Sport 2017

dros 80 mabolgampwyr, croesodd plant iau a phwysigion y sianel gan P&O Ferry yn gynnar bore Sadwrn, on 10th June 2017, to take part in the 44th annual DoverCalais Festival of Sport. Mae'r trefi wedi bod yn cymryd eu tro i gynnal yr ŵyl, sydd cyn hyned a'u gefeillio, ers 1973. Roedd y gystadleuaeth yn gyfeillgar ac yn ffyrnig gyda drosodd 160 participants vying for the Victor Ludorum trophy in the 5 sporting disciplines that took part in the day, Table Tennis, Sea Angling, Basketball, Shooting & Pool. Dover managed to secure the cup for a second year, mewn 3 – 2 buddugoliaeth.

The Town Mayor of Dover, Cllr Neil Rix said, “It was a very good day and I think everyone involved had a great day out. Gwnaeth lefel y lletygarwch a ddangoswyd i ni gan bobl Calais argraff arnom ni i gyd ac edrychwn ymlaen at ddychwelyd y lletygarwch hwnnw y flwyddyn nesaf pan fyddant yn dod i Dover.. Dover Town Council hopes to improve the Twinning Festival every year and we will be looking to increase the sporting disciplines taking part in the line up in 2018”.

If you have a team interested in taking part, please contact Dover Town Council on 01304 242625.