در 11:00 در مردان یاد یکشنبه دوور, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. بر فراز 50 در این مراسم تاج گل گذاشته شد, پوشاندن یادبود با خشخاش قرمز, به عنوان نشانه ای از تشکر شهر برای فداکاری هایی که برای تامین صلح و آزادی ما انجام شده است.
رژه از استانداردهای, جانبازان و سازمان های دیگر در مقابل مزون برده خانه که در آن دو دقیقه سکوت با رهبران مدنی مشاهده شد به بنای یادبود جنگ راهپیمایی. مراسم تاج گل توسط معاون ستوان کنت رهبری شد, The Lord Northbourne, از طرف اعلیحضرت پادشاه, به دنبال آن شهردار شهر دوور, شورای سوزان جونز, the Chairperson of Dover District Council, Cllr Gordon Cowan and Member of Parliament for Dover and Deal Mrs. ناتالی الفیکه. Wreaths were then laid by representatives of the uniformed services and veterans associations. Everyone was welcome to pay their tribute including local organisations and the families of the fallen.
Our thanks go to all those who attended our service to remember the fallen including the White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion who set out the Garden of Remembrance and collected for the Poppy Appeal in all weathers over the last two weeks. We are also grateful for the oration by Nick Chatwin Rn(RTD), پarade Marshal Mr Alan Tinker of the Dover and Deal Sea Cadets, Mr John Harknett of the Royal Green Jackets Association for playing the last post and reveille, Betteshanger Colliery Welfare Band and Cantium Brass Band for leading the music, پرچمدار, and the young people of our Cadet forces who attended and acted as sentries during the service.
The Memorial Service was officiated by the Reverend Catherine Tucker Team Rector for the Dover Town Team Ministry and Flt. دگرمن. Malcom Sawyer, RAFVR (RTD), قاضی عسگر به لژیون سلطنتی بریتانیا (دوور).
The service finished with one verse of National Anthem.
رژه سپس از طریق شهر به میدان بازار راهپیمایی که در آن شهردار سلام در سنت و جو در زمان. کلیسای مریم مقدس.
Photo-Credits: عکاسی آلبان