Remembrance Sunday Service og Parade Dover War Memorial – søndag 12 November 2023

Ved 11:00 på Remembrance søndag Dover mænd, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. Over 50 wreaths were laid during the service, covering the memorial in red poppies, as a token of the Town’s thanks for the sacrifices made to secure our peace and freedom.

Paraden af ​​standarder, veteraner og andre organisationer marcherede til War Memorial foran Maison Dieu House, hvor to minutters stilhed blev observeret med civile ledere. The wreath laying was led by the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, The Lord Northbourne, on behalf of His Majesty the King, efterfulgt af Town borgmester i Dover, Byrådsmedlem Susan Jones, the Chairperson of Dover District Council, Cllr Gordon Cowan and Member of Parliament for Dover and Deal Mrs. Natalie Elphicke. Wreaths were then laid by representatives of the uniformed services and veterans associations. Everyone was welcome to pay their tribute including local organisations and the families of the fallen.

Vores tak går til alle dem, der deltog i vores gudstjeneste for at mindes de faldne, inklusive White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion, som satte ud af Garden of Remembrance og indsamlede til Poppy Appeal i al slags vejr i løbet af de sidste to uger. We are also grateful for the oration by Nick Chatwin Rn(FTU), Parade Marshal Mr Alan Tinker of the Dover and Deal Sea Cadets, John Harknett fra Royal Green Jackets Association for at spille den sidste post og reveille, Betteshanger Colliery Welfare Band og Cantium Brass Band for at lede musikken, bannerbærere, og de unge fra vores kadetstyrker, der deltog og fungerede som vagtposter under gudstjenesten.

Mindehøjtideligheden blev forestået af pastor Catherine Tucker Team rektor for Dover Town Team Ministerium og Flt. Lt. Malcom Sawyer, RAFVR (FTU), Feltpræst til Royal British Legion (Dover).

Gudstjenesten sluttede med et vers af nationalsangen.

The Parade derefter marcherede tilbage gennem byen til torvet, hvor borgmesteren tog salut på St. Marys Kirke.

Foto-kreditter: Albanefotografi