在上周日纪念佛男人11:00, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. 过度 50 在服务期间放置了花圈, 用红罂粟覆盖纪念馆, 作为城镇感谢为确保我们的和平与自由而做出的牺牲的象征.
标准游行, 退伍军人和其他组织游行到战争纪念馆在与公民领袖观察两分钟沉默美美妙府前. 敬献花圈由肯特郡副中尉主持, The Lord Northbourne, 代表国王陛下, 其次是多佛镇镇长, 委员苏珊·琼斯, the Chairperson of Dover District Council, Cllr Gordon Cowan and Member of Parliament for Dover and Deal Mrs. 娜塔莉·埃尔菲克. 随后,军警和退伍军人协会的代表敬献了花圈. Everyone was welcome to pay their tribute including local organisations and the families of the fallen.
我们感谢所有参加我们服务以纪念阵亡者的人,包括英国皇家军团的白崖分部,他们在过去两周里在所有天气中设立了纪念花园并收集了罂粟呼吁. We are also grateful for the oration by Nick Chatwin Rn(RTD), Parade Marshal Mr Alan Tinker of the Dover and Deal Sea Cadets, 皇家绿夹克协会的 John Harknett 先生演奏了最后的帖子和起床, Betteshanger Colliery Welfare Band 和 Cantium Brass Band 领衔音乐, 旗手, 以及在服役期间参加并担任哨兵的我们学员部队的年轻人.
追悼会由多佛镇队部和 Flt 牧师凯瑟琳·塔克队队长主持. LT. 马尔科姆·索耶, RAFVR (RTD), 神父对英国皇家军团 (多佛).
然后,通过游行镇的集市广场走回到那里市长拿着慰问在圣. 圣玛丽教堂.
照片学分: AlbanePhotography