September is a bittersweet month in the allotment. After the languid heat of summer and early harvest, the bluster of autumn bonfires will not be far behind.  Hopefully you will still be enjoying cucumbers, onions, courgettes, lettuce, leeks and spinach. Potatoes and tomatoes should both be plentiful. Toward the end of the month,the last of the…

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Dover Town Council wants to promote and encourage walking in the town as part of a healthy lifestyle. To this end, three varied routes have been created for the community to enjoy. The routes include the town’s heritage, tourism, transport and nature and range from approximately 24 minutes up to 2 hours. All three routes start and…

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‘If the first week of August be warm, the winter will be white and long!’ says the old wife but not many of us will care about that as we bask in the sun, all thoughts of the early darkening  cold days to come banished in the heat.  The allotment at this time is a…

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Yet again, vandals ran amok in Pencester Pavilion, ripping and tearing the rubber matting of the pillars and spraying the concrete with graffiti. In May, a similar incident occurred, bringing the costs of repairs this year into hundreds of pounds.  The pavilion, site of many concerts and community events, is maintained by Dover Town Council…

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  Dover Town Council has achieved the Foundation Award of the  National Association of Local Councils (NALC)  Award Scheme with the unanimous support and congratulations of the Regional Accreditation Panel. The Scheme went live in January 2015 and we understand that we were the first Council in Kent to submit an application.   The Award celebrates the…

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