Yet again, vandals ran amok in Pencester Pavilion, ripping and tearing the rubber matting of the pillars and spraying the concrete with graffiti. In May, a similar incident occurred, bringing the costs of repairs this year into hundreds of pounds. The pavilion, site of many concerts and community events, is maintained by Dover Town Council


  Dover Town Council has achieved the Foundation Award of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Award Scheme with the unanimous support and congratulations of the Regional Accreditation Panel. The Scheme went live in January 2015 and we understand that we were the first Council in Kent to submit an application. The Award celebrates the


过度 100 sportsmen and women, juniors and dignitaries crossed the channel by P& O Ferry early Saturday morning, on 6th June 2015, to take part in the 43rd annual Dover – Calais Festival of Sport. The towns have been taking it in turns to host the festival, which is as old as their twinning, since 1973….


七月是前几个月的辛勤工作真正取得成果的时候 (和蔬菜). 考虑到这两点,我们将注意力转向番茄. 是水果吗? 是蔬菜吗? 西红柿并不是唯一的神秘茄子, 柿子椒, 黄瓜, 西葫芦和南瓜是…


在六月, 收获的蔬菜沙拉, 红菜头, 葱, 菜花, 豌豆, 萝卜, 红萝卜, 茴香, 大蒜和蚕豆. 仲夏的夜晚,标志着传统的芦笋赛季结束. 母猪法国和红花菜豆, 豌豆, 菠菜和甜菜. 南瓜, 夏南瓜, 骨髓和其它南瓜可以现在播种,仍. 但要赶快. 给土豆浇水. 喂你的西红柿. 享受温暖…


需要时间来磨砺你的锄头作为一盎司的预防现已与杂草将进一步有点饶你一一磅的治疗进入夏季. 虽然颗粒总是有效的, 碎石阻隔或蛋壳边界可能阻止他们的慢,但肯定路径蜗牛和蛞蝓到你的产品. 在…


趁着天气凉爽, 挖一个 5 要么 6 在你的床上和你的多年生植物周围覆盖厘米层, 树木和灌木. 使用腐烂的肥料等有机物质为土地准备好迎接繁忙的生长季节. 您也可以使用通用肥料,例如颗粒状鸡粪或…


The Port of Dover’s Community Regatta is back for 2015. Preparations are underway, but the date looks to be set for Sunday, 30 八月 2015. You can contact the Port of Dover. Port of Dover Harbour House Marine Parade Dover CT17 9BU