The Dover Burghmote Horn on display at Maison Dieu House – Dydd Sadwrn 10 Medi


The Dover Burghmote Horn will be on display at Maison Dieu House on Saturday 10 September for the first time since its return to the Town after being stolen in 1969. The Horn which may date back to the 1550s was used to summon the citizens of Dover to Town Meetings and is the finest of about 10 known to still exist.

Maison Dieu House will be open this Saturday 10am – 4pm as part of the annual Heritage Open Day weekend. Roedd Maison Dieu House a adeiladwyd yn 1665 fel y breswylfa swyddogol y Asiant Victualler, y person lleol sy'n gyfrifol am drefnu cyflenwi bwyd a diod i llongau y Llynges Frenhinol. Drws nesaf mae'r Dieu Maison ei hun (Neuadd y Dref) ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer storio. The Agent Victualler remained until after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and then the building was used as the official residence of the Officer in charge of the Royal Engineers in Dover until 1834.

Maison Dieu House became connected to the Mayoralty when Mr RW Mummery, who held the office of Mayor 3 times, prynu eiddo fel ei breswylfa breifat. prynu Dover Corporation Maison Dieu House yn 1904 fel canolfan ar gyfer gwasanaethau cyhoeddus y dref, gan gynnwys y Peiriannydd Fwrdeistref a'r Swyddog Meddygol. Yn 1952 Dover Library opened and in 2004 the Town Council renovated and restored the building when it assumed ownership. Mae'n cael ei ddefnyddio yn awr gan y Cyngor Tref a Phobl o Dover ar gyfer ystod eang o achlysuron dinesig a chyfarfodydd.

Ar ddydd Sadwrn y Cyngor Siambr, the Mayor’s Parlour and the Charter Room will be open together with a display of historic items.