The Civic and Special Projects Committee of the Council has stepped in to answer the appeal for funds to repair the minibus belonging to the local 354 (Dover) Air Training Corps. A massive unexpected repair bill of £2,200 had meant the bus was off the road and youngsters had already missed out on trips and

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The first Neighbourhood Panning Workshop held in the Biggin Hall on 28 November – and was a huge success with the hall full of local people sharing their detailed knowledge of Dover and thoughts about how to make the Town a better place to live and work. Planning experts explained how Neighbourhood Plans can benefit

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For the second year Dover will be supporting LGBT History Month in February by flying the Rainbow Flag. yr 2019 Theme is Peace, Reconciliation and Activism. LBGT history month aims toIncrease the visibility of lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender people, their history, lives and their experiences in the culture of the wider community

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Dover Maer, Y Cynghorydd Sue Jones yn cynrychioli y Bobl o Dover yn y Coffâd blynyddol yr Holocost yn y Fargen. Ymunodd Sue 80 pwysigion dinesig eraill o bob rhan o Gaint i osod torch ger y Maen Cofio'r Holocost yng Ngardd Eglwys St George er cof am y 6 miliwn o ddynion, women and children who died

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Capel St Edmund yn, Dover, yw i gael hwb o £ 46,000 oddi wrth y Gronfa diolch Diwygiad Arfordir i gais llwyddiannus gan St Edmund Ymddiriedolaeth Goffa Abingdon. The bid was project managed by Destination Dover – Dover’s flagship Tourism Organisation funded by the Town Council and Big Local.   Bydd y prosiect hwn yn galluogi'r Ymddiriedolaeth i:…

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Bogla Bote Godri’s career has just got off to a fabulous start. yr 8 blwyddyn enillydd oed y 2018 coginio Cystadleuaeth Cogyddion Ifanc ei hyrwyddwr rysáit ar gyfer 30 special guests including Dover Mayor Councillor Sue Jones at the Dog in Wingham. The young chef served a superb meal of Sea Bass with smoked bacon,…

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Bydd etholiadau Cyngor Tref Dover yn digwydd ar 2 Mai 2019 - 18 Bydd Cynghorwyr Tref yn cael eu hethol am dymor o 4 blynedd yn y swydd i gynrychioli pobl y dref ac yn gwasanaethu eu cymuned. Bob blwyddyn yn Gynghorydd cael ei ddewis i fod yn Faer y Dref Dover gan bleidlais y Cyngor. You can

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A yw eich Adduned Blwyddyn Newydd – I fod yn fwy heini, trimmer ac yn gwneud mwy o ymarfer corff? – Yes Get outside to enjoy the fresh air? – Yes Eat better, iachach ac yn rhatach? – Yes Tick all the boxes at once by renting a Town Council Allotment – and make yourself a whole bunch of new friends too!…

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