Best Foot Forward – White Cliffs Walking Festival 22-28 Awst 2019

The Civic and Special Projects Committee put their boots right behind the White Cliffs Ramblers Group in full support of their £400 grant request for help with the costs of the White Cliffs Walking Festival being held on 22-28 August this year. Volunteers from the White Cliffs Ramblers have organised the event since 2013 and last year 44 walks were organised with over 1200 people covering together over 13,000 miles. Mae'n un o'r gwyliau cerdded mwyaf a mwyaf llwyddiannus yn Ne Ddwyrain Lloegr.

Mae'r Grŵp yn gweithio'n galed i ddarparu amrywiaeth o deithiau cerdded Gŵyl sy'n hygyrch ac yn ddiddorol i blant bawb, gan gynnwys. Eleni bydd cyfle arall i brofi rhai o'r mwyaf poblogaidd yn cynnwys y Hufen Iâ Cerdded i'r Siop Fferm Solleys a'r Smugglers Cerddwch gydag actorion a phropiau.

Mae pob taith gerdded thema ac arbenigwyr lleol yn cael eu trefnu fel arweinwyr teithiau cerdded ar edrych ar hanes Dover gynnwys ei melinau, tanneries and breweries and its archaeology.

A representative from the Group explained the benefits of the Festival to the Committee including

  • Improving health by encouraging and people to walk regularly and giving them confidence
  • Better social integration as people enjoy themselves and make friends walking together
  • Boosting the local economy as visitors and locals use local shops, pubs and restaurants and hotels.


Look out for the publicity which will be available a bit later in the year listing all the walks and on the website