Dover Remembers 2017

Am 11.00am ar ddydd Sul 12 Tachwedd, 99 mlynedd ar ôl arwyddo'r Cadoediad yn 1918, mwy o ddynion, merched a phlant nag erioed wedi ymgasglu wrth gofeb rhyfel People of Dover i anrhydeddu’r holl wŷr a’r merched o’r lluoedd arfog a roddodd eu bywydau ar waith.


Parêd y safonau, gorymdeithiodd cyn-filwyr a sefydliadau eraill i’r Gofeb Ryfel o flaen Maison Dieu House lle cafwyd dwy funud o dawelwch gyda’r Arweinwyr Dinesig. Arweiniwyd gosod y torch gan Ddirprwy Raglaw Caint ar ran Ei Mawrhydi y Frenhines a Maer Tref Dover., Y Cynghorydd Neil Rix. Dirprwy Faer Calais, Roedd gefeilldref Dover yn cynrychioli ei gymuned. Roedd croeso i bawb osod torch gan gynnwys Cymdeithasau Cyn-filwyr, sefydliadau lleol a theuluoedd y rhai a fu farw. The last post was played by a member of the Brigade of Ghurkhas.


Arweiniwyd y Gwasanaeth Coffa gan y Caplan Mygedol i Faer y Dref, Reverend Dr John Walker who spoke especially of the sacrifices made by those who had lost their lives 100 years ago during the first world war at the Battle of Passchendaele. Reverend Walker then invited his colleague Reverend Sean Sheffield, formerly of the Royal Navy, to share some memories of going into action.


Yna gorymdeithiodd yr orymdaith yn ôl drwy'r dref i Sgwâr y Farchnad lle cymerodd y Maer y saliwt yn St. Eglwys Fair.


Following the service, the Mayor said


The War Memorial stands in the centre of the Town as a daily reminder of the sacrifices made by ordinary men and women that enable us to go about our lives and enjoy freedom today and it is important to come together as a community to pay our respects on Remembrance Sunday. As well as Veterans Associations there were many young people taking part in the parade and for the first time this year we were pleased to welcome members of the Dover Nepalese Community, many of whom are former members of the Brigade of Gurkhas. Our thanks go to all those who contributed to the service especially the White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion who set out the Garden of Remembrance and collected for the Poppy Appeal in all weathers over the last two weeks. We are also grateful to the P&O Choir and Cantium Brass for leading the music and the young people of the newly formed Police Cadets who worked as stewards during the service.