最好的一面 - 白崖徒步节 22-28 八月 2019

思域和特别项目委员会把自己的靴子正后方的白色悬崖漫步者集团全力支持他们的£400批请求帮忙与白崖徒步节的举行对费用 22-28 今年八月. 从白崖漫步者志愿者举办,因为事件 2013 去年 44 各行各业都超过举办 1200 人们在覆盖起来 13,000 英里. 它是在英格兰东南部的最大和最成功的步行节日之一.

集团努力工作,以提供各种又一城这对于每个人,包括儿童方便和有趣. 今年将会有另一次机会去体验一些最流行的,包括冰淇淋步行到Solleys农场商店和走私者与演员和道具走.

每走都有一个主题和当地专家一字排开作为领导者散步看多佛的历史,包括其厂, tanneries and breweries and its archaeology.

A representative from the Group explained the benefits of the Festival to the Committee including

  • Improving health by encouraging and people to walk regularly and giving them confidence
  • Better social integration as people enjoy themselves and make friends walking together
  • Boosting the local economy as visitors and locals use local shops, pubs and restaurants and hotels.


Look out for the publicity which will be available a bit later in the year listing all the walks and on the website www.whitecliffswalkingfestival.org