Gorymdaith Dover Pride. Llun: Ffotograffiaeth Dover Pride/David Goodson
Dover burst with vibrant colors as it marked its fourth Pride festival on August 27th, 2022. Y digwyddiad, ar thema celf pop a cherddoriaeth bop, anelu at ddathlu'r gymuned LGBTQ+ o dan y faner “POP gyda balchder.”
Cefnogi'r dathliadau, Dover Town Council helped provide essential assistance at the Roman Lawn venue. The day’s celebrations commenced with a spirited march from the Riverside Community Centre, arweinir gan Faer Dover, Y Cynghorydd Gordon Cowan, and Cllr Trevor Bartlett, the council leader.
As the parade reached its destination, through Market Sqaure and then to the Roman Lawn, a vast crowd gathered to celebrate the festivities at the main stage and Pride Café. The event was made even more memorable by the presence of drag queen hosts, including Miss Di Vour, and stars from Drag SOS, Miss Lilli Berlin, and Poppy Love.