市長領導多佛遊行 “流行音樂” 帶著驕傲

多佛驕傲遊行. 照片: 多佛驕傲/大衛古德森攝影

Dover burst with vibrant colors as it marked its fourth Pride festival on August 27th, 2022. 活動內容, 以普普藝術和流行音樂為主題, 旨在慶祝 LGBTQ+ 群體的旗幟 “自豪地流行。”

支持慶祝活動, Dover Town Council helped provide essential assistance at the Roman Lawn venue. The day’s celebrations commenced with a spirited march from the Riverside Community Centre, led by the Mayor of Dover, CLLR戈登·考恩, and Cllr Trevor Bartlett, the council leader.

As the parade reached its destination, through Market Sqaure and then to the Roman Lawn, a vast crowd gathered to celebrate the festivities at the main stage and Pride Café. The event was made even more memorable by the presence of drag queen hosts, including Miss Di Vour, and stars from Drag SOS, Miss Lilli Berlin, and Poppy Love.