There’s just under two weeks to go until Dover Town Council’s spectacular Christmas Lights Switch On! Dydd Sadwrn 5 December marks the start of the holiday season with fun for the whole family as Biggin Street to Market Square is transformed into a winter wonderland of stalls, entertainment, and holiday cheer. Supported by the Dover Town Team

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Statement of Welcome for Refugees People in Dover are compassionate and caring. Mae bron pawb brofiad naill ai uniongyrchol neu drwy deuluoedd a chyfeillion o'r heriau o fyw mewn tref ar y ffin. Many who work in Dover have responsibility at the sharp end for the protection and freedom of citizens against those who wish

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For the first time in many years, Dover has its own branch of the Royal British Legion. Mae Cangen Cliffs Gwyn newydd yn seiliedig yng Nghlwb Cymdeithasol Whitfield ar Heol Napchester yn Whitfield ac aelodau newydd yn cael eu croeso cynnes. Dover Town Council was proud to present Vice Chairman Mr Ted Smith with a Standard

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