Clogwyni Gwyn Gŵyl Gerdded – gan ddechrau yr wythnos hon!

Mae amser o hyd i roi sglein ar eich esgidiau ac yn camu allan yn y Clogwyni Gwyn Gŵyl Gerdded sy'n rhedeg o 22-28 Awst gyda theithiau cerdded sy'n addas i bob oed, diddordebau a galluoedd. Gallwch ddilyn y llinell o furiau'r dref ganoloesol a gollwyd Dover yn, archwilio hanes llewyrchus Dover drwy ei melinau ŷd, paper mills and bankers, – or just plan to enjoy a walk with some cake, ice cream or fish and chips. The White Cliffs Panoramic trail takes place over three days from Friday to Sundayyou can join for as much or little as you wish but those who complete all the stages will be awarded a certificate signed by the Dover Mayor, Y Cynghorydd Gordon Cowan. The Town Council funded the Festival with a £500 grant earlier in the year.

Details of all the walks and the Panoramic Trail are included in the programme available on line at or in hard copy from the Town Council offices and other places in the town.