This year promises to be the best ever with stalls and entertainment of all descriptions culminating in the switching on of the Christmas Lights in the Market Square at 5:00pm by the Town Mayor of Dover, Councillor Precious, supported by the local Christmas Pantomime Casts (DODS) Beauty & The Beast, (Blackfish) Sleeping Beauty, ac (Dover…

Darllen mwy

There’s just under two weeks to go until Dover Town Council’s spectacular Christmas Lights Switch On! Dydd Sadwrn 5 December marks the start of the holiday season with fun for the whole family as Biggin Street to Market Square is transformed into a winter wonderland of stalls, entertainment, and holiday cheer. Supported by the Dover Town Team

Darllen mwy

Dover District Council commenced a period of formal consultation as part of the review of its Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003. The formal consultation ran from 27 Gorffennaf 2015 until 19 Hydref 2015 in accordance with the statutory requirements that the policy must be reviewed every five years. Below is a

Darllen mwy

dros 100 mabolgampwyr, croesodd plant iau a phwysigion y sianel gan P& O Ferry yn gynnar bore Sadwrn, on 6th June 2015, to take part in the 43rd annual Dover – Calais Festival of Sport. Mae'r trefi wedi bod yn cymryd eu tro i gynnal yr ŵyl, sydd cyn hyned a'u gefeillio, since 1973….

Darllen mwy

Mae Regata Cymunedol Porthladd Dover yn ôl am 2015. Mae paratoadau ar y gweill, but the date looks to be set for Sunday, 30 Awst 2015. Gallwch gysylltu â Phorthladd Dover. Port of Dover Harbour House Marine Parade Dover CT17 9BU