We Will Remember Them – Remembrance nedeľu 2021

Remembrance nedeľu Service a Parade

Dover War Memorial

nedeľa 14 Novembra 2021


O 11.00 na Pamätnú nedeľu Dover muži, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. Koniec 60 počas bohoslužby sa kládli vence, pokrývajúci pamätník v červených makoch, ako prejav vďaky mesta za obete, ktoré priniesli na zabezpečenie nášho mieru a slobody.



Starosta Doveru, radca Gordon Cowan, kladie veniec.

sprievod noriem, veteránov a ďalších organizácií dospela k pamätníku vojny pred Maison Dieu domu, kde bola dve minúty ticha pozorovali s občianski vodcovia. Kladenie venca viedol zástupca poručík z Kentu, Plk. Brian O’Gorman (RTD), on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, nasledované starostu mesta Dover, Radkyňa Gordon Cowan, the leader of Dover District Council, Cllr Trevor Bartlett, the MP for Dover and Deal Mrs Natalie Elphicke and on behalf of the Government of Flanders. Vence potom položili zástupcovia uniformovaných služieb a spolkov veteránov. Everyone was welcome to pay their tribute including local organisations and the families of the fallen.

Naše poďakovanie patrí všetkým, ktorí sa zúčastnili našej bohoslužby, aby si pripomenuli padlých, vrátane pobočky Kráľovskej britskej légie z White Cliffs, ktorá za posledné dva týždne založila Záhradu pamäti a zbierala na Poppy Appeal za každého počasia.. We are also grateful to Commander Nick Chatwin RN (RTD) for reading the Exhortation and the Kohima Epitaph, Sprievodný maršál pán Alan Tinker z Doveru a Deal Sea Cadets, Pán John Harknett z Royal Green Jackets Association za hranie na poslednom poste, Betteshanger Colliery Welfare Band for leading the music, štandardné Nositelia, and also the young people of our Cadet forces who attended and acted as sentries during the service.

Spomienkovú bohoslužbu celebrovala reverend Catherine Tucker Teamová rektorka tímu Dover Town Team Ministry a Flt.. lt. Malcom Sawyer, RAFVR (RTD), Kaplán na Royal Britské légie (Dover). In her address Rev. Tucker spoke of the need to remember in such as way as to keep the stories of those who we commemorate alive and continue their work to bring peace.

The service finished with the singing of the National Anthem

Prehliadka potom pochodoval späť cez mesto na námestie, kde sa starosta vzal pozdrav v St. kostol Marie.


Our picture shows a member of the Royal British Legion White Cliffs Branch hard at work after the service securing the wreaths.