We Will Remember Them – Piemiņas svētdiena 2021

Piemiņas svētdienas dievkalpojums un parāde

Doveras kara memoriāls

svētdiena 14 Novembris 2021


Pēc 11:00 par piemiņas svētdiena Dover vīriešiem, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. Beigās 60 dievkalpojuma laikā tika nolikti vainagi, covering the memorial in red poppies, as a token of the Town’s thanks for the sacrifices made to secure our peace and freedom.



The Town Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan lays a wreath.

Parāde standartu, veterāni un citas organizācijas devās uz kara memoriāls priekšā Maison Dieu nama, kur divas minūtes klusums tika novērota ar Civic vadītāju. The wreath laying was led by the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent, Col. Brian O’Gorman (rtd), on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen, seko pilsētas mērs Dover, Padomnieks Gordon Cowan, the leader of Dover District Council, Cllr Trevor Bartlett, the MP for Dover and Deal Mrs Natalie Elphicke and on behalf of the Government of Flanders. Wreaths were then laid by representatives of the uniformed services and veterans associations. Everyone was welcome to pay their tribute including local organisations and the families of the fallen.

Our thanks go to all those who attended our service to remember the fallen including the White Cliffs Branch of the Royal British Legion who set out the Garden of Remembrance and collected for the Poppy Appeal in all weathers over the last two weeks. We are also grateful to Commander Nick Chatwin RN (rtd) for reading the Exhortation and the Kohima Epitaph, Parade Marshal Mr Alan Tinker of the Dover and Deal Sea Cadets, Mr John Harknett of the Royal Green Jackets Association for playing the last post, Betteshanger Colliery Welfare Band par mūzikas vadīšanu, standartnoteikumi nesējiem, un arī mūsu kadetu spēku jaunieši, kuri apmeklēja un pildīja sargu pienākumus dienesta laikā.

Piemiņas dievkalpojumu vadīja godājamā Katrīnas Takeres komandas rektore Doveras pilsētas komandas kalpošanai un Flt.. Lt. Malkoms Sojers, RAFVR (rtd), Kapelāns uz Royal British leģions (Dover). In her address Rev. Takers runāja par nepieciešamību atcerēties tādā veidā, lai saglabātu dzīvus stāstus par tiem, kurus mēs pieminam, un turpinātu viņu darbu, lai panāktu mieru.

The service finished with the singing of the National Anthem

Parāde tam devās atpakaļ caur pilsētas uz tirgus laukuma, kur mērs bija salūts pie St. Marijas baznīca.


Our picture shows a member of the Royal British Legion White Cliffs Branch hard at work after the service securing the wreaths.