The annual Dover Town Council Remembrance Sunday commemorations for those who gave their lives during wartime will take place online in the form of a special film featuring a service and wreath-laying to allow for Covid-19 safety.

On November 8 at 11am, the public can watch below, or visit YouTube to join in ‘Remember from Home’ officiated by Rev Sean Sheffield, Honorary Chaplain and Chaplain to The Royal Green Jackets Association. A single wreath will be laid by the Mayor, Councillor Gordan Cowan, on behalf of Dover Town Council and the people of Dover.

There will also be a two minutes’ silence and footage of the War Memorial, Poppy Mural, plaques of the fallen, Remembrance Trail, and a list of organisations who normally take part. Orating will be Alan Tinker, Merchant Navy, and voice-over by Tracey Hubbard, the Council’s Customer Events Team Leader.

A spokesman for Dover Town Council said: “Public safety is paramount at this time and we urge those wishing to mark Remembrance to join the online commemorations to avoid endangering themselves and others by physically visiting the War Memorial. This is the best way to show respect for the sacrifices made by the fallen and their comrades in the Armed Forces. Stay safe and remember from home this year.”

Before Remembrance Sunday, bydd cangen Clogwyni Gwyn y Lleng Brydeinig Frenhinol yn adeiladu Gardd y Cofio wrth y Gofeb Ryfel ond ni fyddant yn casglu'n uniongyrchol; yn lle, gellir rhoi rhoddion mewn blwch pwrpasol y tu mewn i swyddfeydd y Cyngor Tref neu drwy wefan DTC gyda dolen i RBL ar gyfer pabïau rhithwir.

Our picture shows the Garden of Remembrance set out by volunteer members of the Dover (Clogwyni Gwynion) Branch of the Royal British Legion.