Bydd toiledau’r dociau dwyreiniol sy’n hygyrch i’r cyhoedd yn cael eu hailagor o’r dydd Gwener ochr yn ochr â’r siop newydd – Rebels Coffee – sy’n cael ei lansio ddydd Gwener 7 Ebrill 2023.

Yn seiliedig ar eich adborth a dderbyniwyd yn ystod ein hymgynghoriad iechyd a hamdden diweddaraf, we have been making continuous efforts to ensure that Dover seafront services and public toilets are accessible throughout the year. We have also been working towards creating new spaces that people can enjoy and spend more time in. As a result, we are pleased to deliver on the outcomes of the health and leisure consultation that was conducted on Dover Seafront in February 2023. we are striving to enhance the overall experience at Dover Seafront.