کاربران از مشارکت دوور با جرم و جنایت گفت بزرگ و خداحافظ تشکر می کنم به آقای گراهام TUTHILL, رئیس خود را برای گذشته 16 سال در AGM خود را در دفاتر شورای شهر. Mr Tutthill is also an Honorary Freeman of Dover. Members paid tribute to his many hours of voluntary work and skills in helping

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شهردار, Councillor Gordon Cowan was up early to join the staff and first customers of Dover’s new B&M store. ب&M wasted no time in renovating and moving into the well-loved premises formerly occupied by Marks and Spencer’s for many decades before their move to the St James Development. In cutting the ribbon to officially

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Newly elected Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan was there to celebrate the opening of the new Winston Suite at the Dover Marina Hotel. The new suite represents a substantial investment in the tourism infrastructure of the town and is proof positive of the growing confidence that Dover is set to be the place for

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آخرین بازدید می آیند بیش از از بلژیک به علت حضور مقصد دوور در اوستند در جشنواره لنگر! دوور به مقصد با دوور موزه حمل و نقل و دوور عصر برنز قایق اعتماد بیش از به Ostend در جشنواره لنگر در بلژیک را به عهده نمایشگاه دوور و برجسته به بازدید کنندگان آنچه را که آنها می توانید ببینید و در دوور انجام. بر فراز…

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It’s not too late to get plotting by renting an Allotment – the growing season is just starting and there is plenty of time to get the seeds in the ground for fruit and veg to keep you going all year! وجود دارد 4 Town Council sites plus the site at Astley Avenue run by

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Dover Town Hall was full with local people and distinguished guests to welcome the newly elected Town Council to their first official meeting. On 2nd May 9 اعضای کاملاً جدید همراه با انتخاب شدند 9 شوراهایی که قبلا خدمت کرده بودند. Their first job was to choose a Mayor and Councillor Gordon Cowan was elected at

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You can have your say about the future of Dover by filling in a Dover Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire and posting it in the box at Dover Library. Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important –

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Dover is celebrating 10 years of being a Fairtrade Town. Status was officially granted in 2009 after 4 years of hard work by the volunteer Fairtrade Network supported by the Town Council. Fair trade is about better prices, شرایط کاری مناسب, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing

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