市長, 議員戈登·考恩, joined the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Kent, the Chairman of Dover District Council and other civic dignitaries at the Council Offices to mark Armed Forces Day 2019. The day is a chance every year to show support for all the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community


市長, Councillor Gordon Cowan was up early to join the staff and first customers of Dover’s new B&M store. 乙&M wasted no time in renovating and moving into the well-loved premises formerly occupied by Marks and Spencer’s for many decades before their move to the St James Development. In cutting the ribbon to officially


Newly elected Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan was there to celebrate the opening of the new Winston Suite at the Dover Marina Hotel. The new suite represents a substantial investment in the tourism infrastructure of the town and is proof positive of the growing confidence that Dover is set to be the place for


遊客來自比利時過來,由於目標多弗爾在奧斯坦德存在的錨節! 與多佛交通博物館和多佛青銅時代船信託目的地佛領導交給奧斯坦德在錨節在比利時佛展示,突出以遊客什麼,他們可以看到和做多佛. 過度…


這還不算太晚租用的配股獲得繪圖 - 生長季節剛剛開始,並有大量的時間去對水果和蔬菜在地裡的種子,讓你去全年! 有 4 Town Council sites plus the site at Astley Avenue run by


多佛慶祝 10 歲月是一個公平貿易城鎮. 地位被正式授予 2009 後 4 多年的由志願者公平貿易網絡辛勤工作由鎮議會支持. 公平貿易大約是更好的價格, 體面的工作條件, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing
