Members of Dover Partnership Against Crime said a big thank you and goodbye to Mr Graham Tuthill, their Chairman for the past 16 years at their AGM in the Town Council offices. Mr Tutthill is also an Honorary Freeman of Dover. Members paid tribute to his many hours of voluntary work and skills in helping


Посетители приходят более из Бельгии из-за присутствия Destination Дувра в Остенде на фестивале Anchor! Направление Dover с Музей Довер транспорта и Dover бронзового века Boat Trust направились в Остенде на фестивале в Бельгии Anchor демонстрации Dover и подсветка для посетителей, что они могут делать и видеть в Дувре. Над…


Dover Town Hall was full with local people and distinguished guests to welcome the newly elected Town Council to their first official meeting. On 2nd May 9 новые советники были избраны вместе с 9 Советники, служившие ранее. Their first job was to choose a Mayor and Councillor Gordon Cowan was elected at


You can have your say about the future of Dover by filling in a Dover Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire and posting it in the box at Dover Library. Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important –
