Countdown to Christmas in Dover 2019 کردم به یک شروع افسانه در شنبه نوامبر 30 با جشن و شادمانی در میدان بازار تمام بعد از ظهر منتهی به بزرگ چراغ های کریسمس سوئیچ روشن در 05:00. Young People from Dover schools and colleges entertained the crowds with help from the Roadshow and – new and unique

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The Town Council held events at Maison Dieu House and the Louis Armstrong Pub to mark White Ribbon Day on November 25th – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Men everywhere are asked to recognise the necessity for them to stand up and take responsibility in working towards a future without

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The White Ribbon Campaign aims to end violence against women. Statistics show that 20% of women have experienced sexual assault and 2 women are killed by a current or former partner every week. 6 out of 7 victims of domestic violence are women. The Campaign engages men and women by inviting them to take the

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در 11:00 در مردان یاد یکشنبه دوور, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. رژه از استانداردهای, veterans and other organisations marched to the War Memorial in front of

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Members of our local Royal British Legion (صخره های سفید) Branch braved the rain today to lay out the Garden of Remembrance at the People of Dover’s War Memorial. The black British Legion official crosses are placed in memory of all those regiments connected with Dover during the two World Wars. Coordinator and former Reservist Peter Hall

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