Pebbles yn Pebbles

The Pebbles Project brought together local natural history specialist Mel Wrigley and artist Ben Hunt in a combined project based on the unique natural history of the chalk and seashore pebbles at Dover. Children from local schools looked really closely at chalk and pebbles to understand some of the natural processes which formed them millions

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Tir mynediad agored Cymunedol yn Meadow High cyfanswm o 22 acer ac yn derbyn gofal gan y Cyngor Tref wedi cael hwb yn y cyfarfod o'r Pwyllgor Cymunedol a Gwasanaethau. Councillors voted for an expanded programme of events and conservation management at the popular Nature Reserve which easily accessible on foot from the Town

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Y Cynghorydd Sue Jones - sydd newydd ei ethol yn Faer y Dref o Dover wedi cyhoeddi ei elusennau am y flwyddyn. Bydd yr arian a godwyd yn cael ei rannu rhwng y Gymdeithas Alzheimer a Dover Ganolfan Allgymorth. Mae'r Gymdeithas Alzheimer yn buddsoddi mewn ymchwil i ofal dementia, achos, iachâd ac atal. They fight for the rights of everyone affected by

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Fel rhan o Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Dementia, cynnal y Gynghrair Dementia lleol digwyddiad yn Gyngor Tref Dover ar gyfer busnesau a sefydliadau lleol gyda Liz Taylor, Services Manager at East Kent Alzheimer’s Society Over 40 people attended with a good number of organisations and businesses represented. Liz spoke about the need for businesses to recognise what

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Busnesau Dover Dosbarth a Sefydliadau yn cael eu gwahodd i: Dementia for Business Event Friday 25th May 2018 (12 -2pm) Cyngor Tref Dover, Maison Dieu House, Stryd Biggin, Dover CT16 1DW To book a place Call: 07772471905 neu e-bost: Liz Taylor, Rheolwr y Gwasanaethau yn y Gymdeithas East Kent Alzheimer, will discuss the business benefits of becoming

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