Aeth Maer Dover, y Cynghorydd Sue Jones i’r siglen pan aeth i agoriad Cae Chwarae newydd Bunkers Hill Avenue yn ddiweddar.. Southern Housing have worked with local Community Connectors to ask children and families what was top of their list for having fun and installed some “Tree Houses” together with other top quality

Darllen mwy

Everyone is welcome at Dover’s Annual Town Meeting. The Town is a much better place because of the many hours put in by local volunteers and this year a variety of local charitable and voluntary organisations will be giving short presentations about their work and the benefits they bring to the Town. There will be

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Dover Town Council will remember the 101st Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 on Tuesday 23rd April 2019. Beginning with a service at 11.00 am in St James’ Cemetery, the commemorations will finish with the ringing of The Zeebrugge Bell at Dover Town Hall. yr…

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The Town Council has got behind Transition Dover’s campaign for Dover to be designated a “Plastics Free Community”. The Council backed resolutions at its meeting on 27 March to continue to remove single use plastics from its premises, encourage plastic free initiatives in the Town and send a representative to join the Plastic Free Community

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