yang 104ke- Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid on Zeebrugge on St George’s Day 1918 telah diperingati pada majlis tahunan pada 23 April.
At noon, Datuk Bandar Dover, Kaunselor Gordon Cowan membunyikan Loceng Zeebrugge. Loceng adalah hadiah terima kasih daripada Raja Belgium sebagai pengiktirafan pengorbanan Dover yang terkorban.
Reverend Catherine Tucker conducted a service at the People of Dover’s War memorial. A wreath was laid on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen by the Deputy Lieutenant of Kent Mr Bill Fawcus, Councillor Cowan then laid a wreath on behalf of the Town Council and People of Dover followed by representatives of the Armed Forces, the Feestcomite of Zeebrugge, Veteran’s Associations and other Community Groups.
The St. Serbuan Hari George ke atas tahi lalat di Zeebrugge adalah episod paling menginspirasikan sejarah British dan Belgium baru-baru ini. Walaupun kehilangan nyawa yang dahsyat, Serangan Zeebrugge membantu mempercepatkan tamatnya Perang Dunia Pertama.
We thank all those who gathered to commemorate the fallen including the young people of the Dover Cadet forces and the Scout Association.