秋天的顏色上個月的騷亂霧和輕霧消失截至11月窗簾世界灰色. 收穫已經結束在大多數情況下,但仍然有很多工作要做, 如果我們願意. 溫室和棚子以及花盆和容器都可以修整一下,…


Statement of Welcome for Refugees People in Dover are compassionate and caring. 幾乎每個人都有經驗,無論是一手還是通過生活在邊境小鎮的挑戰,家人和朋友. Many who work in Dover have responsibility at the sharp end for the protection and freedom of citizens against those who wish


數以百萬計的人通過多佛,每年的端口, many stopping off to see the sights and historical landmarks in the town as well as to enjoy the beach and seaside. Visitors to Dover will find it easier to get their bearings thanks to the new sign posts leading to the Seafront and the
