如果八月是綠色的, 十月的顏色肯定是黃色或橙色, 因為這是這個月帶來隨著飄落的樹葉, 南瓜和南瓜的收穫. 這是後者的臉上笑嘻嘻的,我們在這個月的最後一天看到, 燭光和發光…


九月是分配中苦樂參半的月份. 在炎熱的夏季和早收之後, 秋天的篝火聲不會太遠. 希望你仍然會喜歡黃瓜, 蔥, 夏南瓜, 萵苣, 韭菜和菠菜. 土豆和西紅柿都應該充足. 臨近月底,最後的…


於 2012 Dover Town Council started a greeting service run by volunteers to meet, greet and advise tourists visiting the town during the summer months, to answer any questions and generally give a welcoming feel to the Town. Since then, the Dover Greeters have gone from strength to strength, becoming an integral part of life


Dover Town Council wants to promote and encourage walking in the town as part of a healthy lifestyle. To this end, three varied routes have been created for the community to enjoy. The routes include the town’s heritage, tourism, transport and nature and range from approximately 24 minutes up to 2 小時. All three routes start and


“如果八月的第一周溫暖, 冬天將是白色和漫長的!’老太太說,但當我們曬太陽時,我們中沒有多少人會關心這個, 所有關於早日變黑的寒冷日子的想法都將在炎熱中消失. 此時的分配是…
